Keeping far from bacteria invasion in menstrual period

Women's pudendum is the most vulnerable so it will be infected by bacteria easily, especially in menstruation. Then how to keep far from bacteria invasion in menstruation?
Women should keep the vulva clean. Women's pudendum structure is complex with many wrinkles. There is excreta of glands, cervix and vagina which will adhere to the monsveneris. There will be dirty things exist in the lacuna between labia and clitoris. There are also urethral orifice and anus behind and after the introitus. All the structures make the vulva contaminated easily, so it's necessary to keep the vulva clean and form the habit of cleaning private parts. It's better to use warm water and UUcare menses cleaning liquid for adjusting the PH to around 5.5 so that the faintly acid will prevent bacterial growth and improve users’ immunity. Don't take the feet washing utensil to wash vulva, be careful and mild when clean it.
For women, it's good habit to change underwear and underpants frequently for more healthy life.
Summary: What is irregular menstruation and what's the symptom of it? Lots of women caring this topic because most of women have menstrual disorder problem, such as hypomenorrhea, menstruation in advance or delay, irregular menstruation cycle, menolipsis, etc. UUCare menses nursing expert summarized following eight symptoms of irregular menstruation:

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